Of lifelong learning and the challenges it brings
Since a year or so I had been thinking about ways to develop my professional profile.
When vetting the different options available, I kept in mind what a coach had told me after we had spent two days discussing my business and my motivations to run it: to her, it seemed evident that equality (or actually equity) of access to education was a bit driver of my work.
Which is probably why in early summer 2024 I decided to apply to a Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Studies in Education, offered by the Open University.
I chose it as one of the streams offered was indeed Equity, inclusion and social justice in educational practice.
I wanted to learn more about educational theories and practices driven by concepts such as inclusion, social justice and fairness.
The content allows to study at your own pace while submitting papers and complete one collaborative assignments.
Most articles I read so far are concerned with primary and secondary education, which is seldom the focus of my own work.
Yet, it is inspiring and eye opening to learn and assess theories on how educational systems could improve and what each professional could adjust and modify in their attitudes and approaches towards a goal that is bigger than us.
The course officially started on October 4th 2024. I only talk about it now as I found out yesterday that I passed the first assessment in the form of a short writing.
I believe that “bragging rights” on LinkedIn should be granted only once some promising results are shown and not solely based on somebody’s volition to achieve something.
Studying and working and parenting and living
It has been the first time that I found myself studying at an actual post graduate program while being a parent of two and a freelance professional.
The benefits of a ( at times ) flexible agenda definitely help, the challenges of colliding deadlines remain a major scare.
And yet, as all things in life, if you like to do something and are physically and mentally safe, there is always the chance to find some time to dedicate to your project, even if that means sleeping shorter nights or cutting on social events.
I hope that those who read this are either embarked on their own learning adventure or considering what is the next thing to learn!
My choice was to go for more formal education this time, but it can be anything!
Happy learning to everybody.